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Upload Help.
- Maximum upload file size is typically 64MB. Depending on your internet connection, upload times can range from 2MB – 10MB per minute.
- Recommended File formats: .jpg, .tiff, .eps, .pdf, .cdr & .ai
- DPI settings: For raster (bitmap) images, resolution should be saved at 100-150 DPI at full size.
- For Faster Turnaround time, Files should be submitted and approved before 3:00pm Eastern Standard Time.
Layout tips
- Resolution issues: When digitally printing large signs, dpi is important. Low resolution images will appear jagged with visible pixels when enlarged to size. Images copied off a website normally will produce very poor results.
- Try to view files at actual size. If the files look blurry with visible pixels on screen, the files will print blurry with visible pixels. If you are unsure of the quality of our file, give us a call or send us your image. We will review the quality of your artwork at no obligation and at no charge!
File types
- Tiff Files: Flatten image and save file at a resolution of 100dpi – 150dpi at the full size of the product you are ordering. If file size exceeds 100MB, save file as a 150dpi JPEG at maximum quality.
- JPEG Files: Resolution should be set to 150dpi at the full size of the product you wish to order. For example, If you wanted a 3 foot x 10 foot banner, you would enter 36 inches tall by 120 inches wide at a resolution of 100dpi – 150dpi.
- EPS, AI and PDF Files: Convert all text to outlines or curves, expand fills and strokes.
Software Type help
PhotoShop: Maximum file upload size is 100MB. Depending on your internet connection, upload times can range from 2MB – 10MB per minute. Save file as a JPEG at 100dpi – 150dpi at full size at maximum quality.
Illustrator & CorelDraw: Convert all text to outlines (illustrator) or curves (CorelDraw), expand all fills and strokes. If a placed image is part of the file, for best results the image should be 100-150 dpi at full size. Save file as a PDF.
When Using Design Templates… Please remember:
- Keep all important information, like names, addresses, phone numbers or logos at least .137” from the edge, within the safe margin (represented by the blue line) to ensure that they aren’t cut off when your document is trimmed.
- To prevent an unwanted white border from showing at the edge of your document, be sure to extend any background colors or design elements all the way to the edge. Please do not use crop marks as they are not compatible with our upload process.Design in CMYK
- Back To TopSince computer monitors use a different color definition (RGB) than that used by professional printers (CMYK), you should convert your document to use the CMYK color definition to achieve the most accurate color results. If your software allows, use “CMYK: Web Coated (SWOP) V2” to see the most accurate representation of the final printed colors.
- Use Vector Art
- When possible, use vector graphics created in a desktop publishing program. Vector images are different from photos because they use mathematical equations to define each component of the image. Vector graphics retain high image quality at any size.
- Vector Image-Raster Image
- Convert Text to Curves in Illustration Software
- Text can be converted to curves (paths) in some graphics programs. This will fix upload errors that result when fonts cannot be embedded in your file.
- In Illustrator, you can simply select the font and then use the Create Outlines command (Shift+Control+O). Following this easy step will help ensure that your text prints clearly.